After the Deadline

How I Trie to Make Spelling Suggestions

Posted in NLP Research by rsmudge on January 29, 2010

Spell checking is a three-step process.  Check if a word is in a dictionary, generate potential suggestions, and then sort the suggestions–hopefully with the intended word on top.  Dr. Peter Norvig wrote a great essay on this and I suggest you read it.

Knowing about this three-step process, can you guess what the slowest part of it is?  It’s not the dictionary check.  It’s not the sorting of the suggestions either.  Generating the potential suggestions is the killer.  Today I’ll discuss a clever way to use to speed this process up using Tries.

The Problem: How I Generate Suggestions

The AtD spelling corrector generates potential suggestions by considering all words within two edits of the misspelled word.  An edit is inserting, deleting, or substituting a letter.  Transposing two letters is also an edit.  From my own tests I found 96% of the time the correct word is within two edits.  1.5% of the time the desired word is within three edits.  Beyond that, who cares?

Why is this operation so slow?  The naïve algorithm is to generate all possible edits to the misspelled word to get every edit within an edit distance of one.  For a word of length n, we have 54n+25 edits assuming a lowercase alphabet of a-z.  To get all words within an edit distance of two, apply all possible edits to the previously generated edits.  This number gets big quickly and forget three edits using this algorithm.

The Trie

A Trie is a tree data structure for storing values associated with a key.  Each character of the key represents a branch of the Trie.   Retrieving a value consists of finding the branch associated with the first character of the key, chopping it off, and repeating this process until there is no key.  Tries are nice because the common values of the keys are shared making them space efficient for storing things like dictionaries.

Here is the Sleep code to build a Trie:

sub trie {
	local('$trie $word $x $root $letter');

	$trie = %();

	foreach $word ($1) {
		$root = $trie;

		for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($word); $x++) {
			$letter = charAt($word, $x);

			if ($letter !in $root) {
				$root[$letter] = %();
			$root = $root[$letter];

		$root['__'] = $word;
	return $trie;

This function creates a Trie represented as a Sleep hash.  Each branch in the Trie has letters which point to other Trie branches. A branch that represents a word will have a __ key with the associated word.

A word is added to the Trie by looking for the first letter of the word in the root branch. If the letter is not there, a new branch is made. This first letter is then removed from the word and the branch associated with the letter becomes the root branch. This process is repeated until there are no letters left in the word. At this point the __ key is set to mark that this branch represents a complete word.

$ java -jar lib/sleep.jar
>> Welcome to the Sleep scripting language
> interact
>> Welcome to interactive mode.
Type your code and then '.' on a line by itself to execute the code.
Type Ctrl+D or 'done' on a line by itself to leave interactive mode.
$trie = trie(@("apple", "bat", "bart", "battle", "cat"));
%(b =>
       %(a =>
              %(t =>
                     %(t =>
                            %(l =>
                                   %(e =>
                                          %(__ => 'battle')
                __ => 'bat'),
                r =>
                     %(t =>
                            %(__ => 'bart')
  c => %(a => %(t => %(__ => 'cat'))),
  a => %(p => %(p => %(l => %(e => %(__ => 'apple')))))

If you’ve been exposed to Tries before, you’ve probably seen them used to check if a word is in the dictionary or not.  Here is the Sleep code to test a word:

sub inTrie {
	local('$x $word $trie $letter');
	($word, $trie) = @_;

	for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($word); $x++) {
		$letter = charAt($word, $x);

		if ($letter !in $trie) {
		$trie = $trie[$letter];

	return iff ($trie['__'] eq $1);

This function walks the Trie using a process similar to adding a word. If there is no branch for the current letter then the test fails. If we’ve walked through all the letters, the __ key is checked to see if we indeed have a word match.

Typically __ doesn’t contain the word. It’s usually a boolean flag. I’m lazy though and put the word in this slot to make debugging the Trie code easier and to make it easier for me when testing if a word is in the Trie.

Generating Suggestions

AtD uses this Trie structure to generate all edits for a misspelled word.  The Trie is nice because I only have to traverse paths that may yield words and I don’t have to keep a lot of traversal information in memory.  Here is the code:

sub edits {
    local('$trie $word $results $depth $root $branch $letter');
	($trie, $word, $results, $depth) = @_;

	if (strlen($word) == 0 && $depth >= 0 && $trie['__'] ne '') {
		$results[ $trie['__'] ] = 1;

	if ($depth >= 1) {

		# deletion. [remove the current letter, and try it on the current branch--see what happens]
		if (strlen($word) > 1) {
			edits($trie, substr($word, 1), $results, $depth - 1);
		else {
			edits($trie, "", $results, $depth - 1);

		foreach $letter => $branch ($trie) {
			if ($letter eq '__') { continue; }

			# insertion. [pass the current word, no changes, to each of the branches for processing]
			edits($branch, $word, $results, $depth - 1);

			# substitution. [pass the current word, sans first letter, to each of the branches for processing]
			if (strlen($word) > 1) {
				edits($branch, substr($word, 1), $results, $depth - 1);
			else {
				edits($branch, "", $results, $depth - 1);

		# transposition. [swap the first and second letters]
		if (strlen($word) > 2) {
			edits($trie, charAt($word, 1) . charAt($word, 0) . substr($word, 2), $results, $depth - 1);
		else if (strlen($word) == 2) {
			edits($trie, charAt($word, 1) . charAt($word, 0), $results, $depth - 1);

	# move on to the next letter. (no edits have happened)

	if (strlen($word) >= 1 && charAt($word, 0) in $trie) {
		$letter = charAt($2, 0);
		if (strlen($word) > 1) {
			edits($trie[$letter], substr($word, 1), $results, $depth);
		else if (strlen($word) == 1) {
			edits($trie[$letter], "", $results, $depth);

	# results are stored in a hash to prevent duplicate words
	return keys($results);

This function considers four types of edits: deletion, insertion, substitution, and transposition. This function returns a list of words within N edits from the specified word. It does this by considering the first letter of the word, the rest of the word, and the current branch of the Trie.

It handles deletions by applying this function to the current Trie branch and the rest of the word. In this way, all edits that could be generated from this letter being deleted are found.

With each call to edits, the function subtracts 1 from the max depth counter. When the max depth value is zero, no more traversals into the Trie are allowed. This counter makes sure we generate only words within the desired number of edits.

Insertion iterates through all child branches (representing each possible next letter) and applies the edit function to those branches with the current as an argument.  In this way each branch is treated as a possible insertion before the current letter in the word.

Substitution iterates through each child branch and applies the edit function to those branches with the rest of the word as an argument.

Transposition swaps the first and second letters of the current word and applies the edit function on this new word using the current branch.

A Trie branch that maps to a word is added to the suggestion pool when it’s called with an empty string for the word and the depth counter is greater than zero (meaning we’re within the allowed number of edits).

Once these steps have completed, the algorithm finds the Trie branch for the next letter in the word, and calls edits with the branch for that letter as the Trie and the rest of the word.  The depth counter isn’t changed as no edits were made, this is just advancing the algorithm to the next letter.

Here is a printout of edits applied to ‘sucess’ using a Trie constructed from the public domain 1939 Webster’s dictionary.

$ java -jar lib/sleep.jar
>> Welcome to the Sleep scripting language
> interact
>> Welcome to interactive mode.
Type your code and then '.' on a line by itself to execute the code.
Type Ctrl+D or 'done' on a line by itself to leave interactive mode.


$dictionary = readAll(openf("/usr/share/dict/words"));

$trie = trie($dictionary);
printAll(edits($trie, "sucess", %(), 2));

I’ve found this method is faster than the naïve edits generation algorithm. Let me know how it works for you.

This code is from the After the Deadline software service which is available under the LGPL license. You can find the code to the rest of the system at

Making the spell checker… more awesome.

Posted in NLP Research by rsmudge on November 17, 2009

I don’t talk much about the After the Deadline spell checker. Many people believe spell checking is a solved problem and they must “work the same way”. AtD does more than spell checking, so I talk about these other things.

Despite the lack of talk, AtD’s spell checker is awesome and I’m constantly improving it. That’s what I’m going to write about today. This past weekend I was writing a post and I tried to spell “conoisur”. As you call tell, I don’t know how to spell it and my attempt isn’t even close. It’s bad enough that I make spell checkers and can’t spell, it’s terrible that AtD couldn’t give me any suggestions. I felt left out in the cold.

Suggestions before this post 🙂

Most spelling errors are one or two changes away from the intended word. AtD takes advantage of this and limits its suggestion search to words within two changes. By limiting the search space for words, AtD has less to choose from. This means AtD give you the right answer more often.

Peter Norvig conducted a quick experiment where he learned that 98.9% of the errors in the Birkbeck spelling error corpus were within two edits and 76% were one edit away. These numbers are close to what I found in my own experiments months ago. I’d present those numbers but I… lost them. *cough*

From these numbers, I felt it was safe to ignore words three or more edits away from the misspelling. This works well except when I try to spell words like connoisseur or bureaucracy. For my attempts, AtD generated no suggestions.

Then it hit me! If there are no suggestions within two edits… why don’t I try to find words within three edits.  And if there are still no suggestions then, why I don’t I try words within four edits. I could go on like this forever. Unfortunately nothing is free and doing this would kill AtD’s performance. So I decided to limit my experiment to find words within three edits when no words are within two edits.

AtD’s spellchecker uses a neural network to score suggestions and compare them to each other. During training the neural network converges on an optimal weighting for each feature I give it. One of the features I give to the neural network is the edit distance normalized between 0.0 and 1.0. Edit distance is weighted highly as a value close to 1.0 is correct 76% of the time. I feared that introducing high edit distances that are almost always correct would create something that looks like a valley to the neural network. Meaning a high value is usually correct, a low value is usually correct, and the stuff in the middle is probably not so correct. Neural networks will make good guesses but they’re dependent on being told the story in the right way. This valley thing wasn’t going to work. So I modified the features so that an edit distance of 1 is a weight of 1.0 and everything else is 0.0.

Here are the numbers on AtD’s spell checker before I made these changes:

Word Pool Accuracy

Data Set Accuracy
sp_test_wpcm_nocontext.txt 97.80%
sp_test_aspell_nocontext.txt 79.06%

Spelling Corrector Accuracy

Data Set Neural Network Freq/Edit Random
sp_test_gutenberg_context1.txt 93.97% 83.16% 29.71%
sp_test_gutenberg_context2.txt 77.14% 59.68% 19.68%

The word pool accuracy is a measure of how often the pool of suggested words AtD generates has the intended word for a misspelled one in the test data. If the correct word is not here, AtD won’t be able to suggest it. The corrector accuracy is a measurement of how accurate AtD is at sorting the suggestion pool and putting the intended word on the top. The neural network score is what AtD uses in production and includes context. The joint frequency/edit distance score is similar to the statistical corrector in How to write a spelling corrector. Without context I don’t expect most spell checkers will do much better than that.

Here are the numbers with the changes:

Word Pool Accuracy

Data Set Accuracy
sp_test_wpcm_nocontext.txt 98.19% +0.39%
sp_test_aspell_nocontext.txt 82.58% +3.52%

Spelling Corrector Accuracy

Data Set Neural Network Freq/Edit Random
sp_test_gutenberg_context1.txt 94.51% +0.54% 83.08% 30.18%
sp_test_gutenberg_context2.txt 79.38% +2.24% 60.31% 23.69%

What this means for you

These little changes let AtD expand its search for suggestions when none were found. This means better recommendations for hard to spell words without impacting AtD’s stellar correction accuracy. I hope you enjoy it.

Suggestions you'll get now 🙂

How does this compare to MS Word, ASpell, and others?

If you want to compare these numbers with other systems, I presented numbers from similar data in another blog post. Be sure to multiply the spelling corrector accuracy with the word pool accuracy when comparing these numbers in the ones in the other post. For example: 0.9451 * 0.9891 = 0.9348 = 93.48%

If you’d like to play around with spelling correction and neural networks, consider downloading the After the Deadline source code. Everything you need to conduct your own experiments is included and it’s open source. The data sets used here are available in the bootstrap data distribution.

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